
I AM BACK 2023.......!!


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Sad to say but Wattpad just deleted my story RAPED AND KILL this day at 3:00 am, and I don’t have a full back up file for it so I apologize for you all. I promise that I will work for it no time.
          Please continue to support my other stories.
          the CORPS COMMANDER just out now for its prologue. It is really worth your time po, I will update it while I am working with RAK offline. Thank you everyone 


“Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some of them are happy and some of them are exciting. But, If you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you”
          ΔHello! Thea_Virlix here. I wrote this to remind you that Life is full of mystery. It was full of happiness and It's also full of sadness to the point that you just wanna quit. Hey! Life is Life. Just live with it no matter hard it is. You wanna know why? Because someday, You'll be proud at yourself for being a good fighter and for being a strong person. Lovelotss!❤


"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving"
          ▶Hello! Whatever struggles you're facing right now, always remember that you must keep moving. I know you can do that because you already faced many struggles before. Stay positive, okay? Don't be a pessimist. Lovelotss!❤


"Be strong, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.
          ▶Hello! @Thea_Virlix in your screen. I just want to tell you that what ever problems you'll face, you can go through with it. You wanna know why? Because you're strong. Stay strong and don't let your negative thoughts destroy you. Lovelotsss!❤


Hi! Sorry for plugging here.I just want to recommend my story to you. I hope you will read it, it is still on going. If you want to comment and vote I will highly appreciate it. 
          "Staring At You"
          By: Dyanastiya
          Have a good day!
          Thank you and God bless!