          	can you please checkout my short story on WEBTOON its called Jane Burton and the mansion of wakawiara . Its my first time using webtoon so i apologize if its not that great . 
          	Thank you 


Anyone from Colombo Srilanka or visiting ? Well please head on down to One Galle face Mall and visit Yamamay  , Odel , and Mothercare. ( plus many other amazing stores) 
          for those of you who dont know what Yamamay is well its an Italian Brand  that sells fine quality and beautiful pieces . 
          ODEL is a public retail store where you can anything from clothes , toys , homeware and even perfumes . you can say its kind of like the Jcpennys or Macys of Srilanka . 
          Now you dont have to be a mother to visit Mothercare because this wonderful store sells baby bottles and clothes . 


I’m kind of scared of my teacher , so far I’ve only had one class with him but the vibe that he gives me sort of freaks me out  and is weird 
          So basically in this class I’m the only student it’s an individual class 
          Reasons why he sort of freaks me out 
          1: he like stares at me 
          2: he made me repeat a word like multiple times even though I pronounced it properly and he also giggled which was weird 
          3: he I don’t really know how to explain but he asked me if I’ve learned the subject before and I said yeah “I think 5 years ago I’m not exactly sure” and then after he would always make a comment about that while like slightly laughing as if he was making fun of . 
          Because of this I’m sort of nervous to go to my next class ? I don’t wanna judge someone just by meeting them once , I have no clue what to do ? 


I hate my sister so much she’s so evil and cruel towards me 
          She always has to bring me down 
          I believe she finds joy in seeing me upset 
          I just want to know the reason in why she’s like that towards me ? 


1 year older and we share a room 


@KDRAMAS67  1.  Walk away from the situation. 
            2.Don't  talk to her or ask something for her.
            If it is far away get your parents  involved. 
            I had been is same situation as you but with my brother.  He is 5 yrs older than me. I don't have rights to say anything  wrong to him but if he cross his boundaries in teasing o bullying,  i immediately  tske action against it involving my parents.  It really works. Now me and him are in good condition.  He really loves me lot now  bcz he realised  he is wrong.


@KDRAMAS67 is she is older or younger??


Tragedy has happened today in Sri Lanka 
          Tons of people have been killed and injured by bombings there have been 8 in total. 
          I want everyone to be safe no matter where you are . 
          I am actually from Sri Lanka I moved here about 2 years ago and I have never in a million years would have imagined that this was going to happen ,Sri Lanka has it’s difficulties but it was and still is a complete safe place to visit , idk I’m honestly terrified but will try and must go through with it . 
          The world is cruel for no reason, it’s disgusting that humans do this to one another I honestly can’t wait when the time comes where we all love each other , accept each other’s differences where we all become one . 
          I love you all please be safe and love and respect each other , yourself and those around you 


My sister is always so mean to me 
          She always brings up my mistakes 
          I’m not gonna lie I say stuff back to her but she takes it way to far to the point where I would be crying for hours 
          I have a shy personality and one day she said at least I have friends 
          That really hurt me 
          Idk why she’s like this , she has always been mean to me ever since I was born maybe it’s because we are one year apart and the attention all of a sudden came to me . 
          I wanna tell her how I feel but I honestly won’t think she would care . 


I have an exam tomorrow from three to six 
          And I’m nervous because not only is it a biology exam which I’m not great in but because six is too late for me it’s nighttime outside and like all the teachers are gone except for the person monitoring the exam . I live far away also. 
          And my parents are out of the country for a couple of days . 
          I asked my school if I can take my exam earlier like around 1 but they said no . 
          Do you think what they are doing is correct?