Wow, it's been some time my dude. Hope all is well and life's been treating you write. Anyways, I try to check in on this more recent?

@SecretiveC I feel that. Haha Def. have forgotten everything we have ever shared to the other and honestly am too lazy to go read through it, wherever it is. -shrug- Cool that you could reminisce with the discovered-thread you had with your mate, though. Cheers! -K.

Sheesh I didn't remember any of those conversations we had like I knew we chatted back and forth and such but I did not remember describing my cat so accurate back then or anything. Just funny to read back on old threads. Back before social media really hit I had like an email chain with someone and I stumbled across it again and like it's so crazy that you can be so invested in conversation at that time but then never remember them unless it gets triggered.