Hey girls, wanted to write something which I didn't find as a reader. The genre which I like is a true romance, something dark, a knotted past, and some supernatural things like going back to past. Want to read books like this?? Then join me I swear I won't disappoint your decision of joining me.....
  • Tae's dream world
  • Đã tham giaJanuary 15, 2022

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Hey it's me his maid and madness author, first of all I would like to apologise to my readers that I was suddenly disappeared in between the story. Actually, I was little busy with my family and now...
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Truyện của Tae's Finctional girl
His maid and madness  bởi KHUSHIXBTS5
His maid and madness
"In the land of Korea, in the year 1672, a formidable king kim taehyung ruled with an iron heart. His pi...
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