Not trying to sound mean but I’m not updating these stories... think about it, Ik half of you reading them are probably in middle school or going into high school, and when I made the stories I was in middle school/ going into high school. Basically what I’m trying to say is that I’m almost 20 and I don’t want to continue writing fanfic about South Park characters. I’ll still read stories on here but I won’t continue writing and I’m sorry. But please continue reading the stories I won’t delete them, their here to stay and be cringe lol .

I understand completely. I remember when it was first coming into fame now I am rereading the old stories reliving my cringe days as I slowly start loving South Park for what it really is and not the shitehole I used to love it as. I get it I’m thinking of rewriting mine personally because I feel I have grown as a person and writer- but that’s on me. I support you! I’m here for the long run- unless I lose my account again-

@KID_CIPHER I respect that 100%. Just wanted to say you're an aamazing author and I loved your stories. I really hope you have a wonderful day/night.