Hii everybody,
          	Sorry for giving you so many notifications. I had taken my Harry Styles stories offline since I am no longer a fan and would rather be known for my new stories. However, people were asking me in my DM's where the stories were so I published them again.
          	I do NOT intend on finishing Adaptation since my other stories are more enjoyable to write. Feel free to check those out too. 
          	Thanks and sorry!


Hii everybody,
          Sorry for giving you so many notifications. I had taken my Harry Styles stories offline since I am no longer a fan and would rather be known for my new stories. However, people were asking me in my DM's where the stories were so I published them again.
          I do NOT intend on finishing Adaptation since my other stories are more enjoyable to write. Feel free to check those out too. 
          Thanks and sorry!


To the small amount of followers I have. 
          I managed to find a source of light in quite desperate times; a new source of inspiration. BTS has found its way into my life and has occupied my mind for several weeks now. As a mentally unstable person, amateur writer and light drug/alcohol abuser, my first instinct was to write. 
          Consequently, I have been working on several drafts and ideas of which one has been turned into a document of over sixty pages already. 
          I know you followed me after either reading Oscillation or Adaptation; fics based on King Styles. I will not try to convince you to do anything (Be aware that changing/adding fandoms will consume your time and soul), but if you enjoy my writing (which I truly doubt), you might want to check out my new fic: Pied Piper - BTS.
          I will start uploading in May. 
          Besides, I am still finding inspiration in the dusty corners of my mind for Adaptation and when my motivation decides to show it's ugly face, I will write like there is no tomorrow. 
          Follow me on twitter: @siryoongi1
          A warm and welcome embrace,


omggg im a 1d stan turned army too! I’ve been an army for almost 5 years now! We can be moots on twt wait i’ll follow u 


I really enjoy your writing. It’s really is better than many many others. I hope you find a way out of the low you have been feeling. I’m sure it’s not easy to find inspiration sometimes but I hope you find it and soon( for my own selfish reasons). I am a fan of both adaptation and oscillation. Good luck to you 


I hope your doing well I’m sorry you lost inspiration I was excited to see if he told her about his birthday dinner and how it went but if your done your done should I archive asptation I really did love the story it was very well written I ewes truly invested in this story from book one I’ll just leave it and maybe you will get some inspiration I hope you do because you are a very good writer thank you 


Hii, I read oscillation and I‘m reading adaption right now. I had to create a new account because with my old account (@greensockk) I had problems with the email confirmation and stuff.
          I just wanted to say that these books are amazing and I can’t wait for an update :)
          (I don’t think you remember but you sent me a message to my old account and I couldn’t answer it because of this email thing, sorry for that :/


@namelessjorieke . I‘m so exited for the update 


Nahw such a sweet message of you, of course I remember! Glad you managed to get a new account and I’ll try to update tomorrow or the day after! Have a wonderful day 