Announcement from KIS AWARDS team:
It's been a very long time since I've been on Wattpad and need to pretty much face the music on what happened with the KIS Awards, so here goes:
I want to offer my sincerest apologies for dropping the KIS Awards project and not completing the award selection. I had a lot that got piled on my plate (work and personal) and made it very difficult to manage. I had some judges that couldn't commit which put a lot of work back on the one's that stayed and also on me to read and score. I glad so many participated, but we didn't have enough resources to do the program justice. The frustration of it made me insanely overwhelmed and disappointed.
In the end, I believe in holding myself fully accountable for leaving all the entrants and judges who committed to participate in limbo, and not openly communicating the issue. For that, I'm truly sorry to everyone for not speaking up and want to thank all the judges that helped me and did their part. It was all volunteer help because they believed in the Awards and I let them down by not following through or shutting it down earlier instead of walking away from it.
I was ashamed I couldn't deliver and the longer I did, the more I procrastinated in communicating the problem that I couldn't deliver. Failing doesn't sit well with me, so processing it still sucks. It definitely was not the way to handle it, but I'm only human and realize it was a big mistake.
I really wanted the KIS Awards to be a real thing on Wattpad and when it became too much to execute, I kinda panicked and checked out. It's still my big dream for the KIS Awards to be a thing, but at this time, I don't think I'm the right person to lead it. If anyone else wants to head it up (hopefully with more passion and resources) I'll gladly pass the torch to you with my full support. It has a lot of potential and there's so many great Romance writers here that deserve to shine.