
I'm back. After two years. I probably won't be on that often, but thanks for remaining fans throughout.


@KITTYkat1234 Sorry, my story The Notebook was under the number of pages for Horror story and I really didnt want to list my story as short story/witty award because short story dont seem right.
          I do have 2 stories Songs of Insanity and Revenge Tastes Very Sweet, My Love listed in the 'unoffical watty awards' because we didnt know Rated R stories do qualitiied. But you dont have to vote on them...
          I do want to wish you a Happy New Year!!!!


Thanks, originally I was fanning everybody and anybody that happen to replay, voted and saved my work. But then it got annoying because I'd kept missing important updates. The only sucky thing was at least 50 people drop from my fans so my fan number has not changed much for almost 2 months... 
          Thanks, I'm so happy that you enjoyed my stories. I've also enjoyed your stories too  :)


@RichardStaschy Wow, that's one major clear up! I've only got the five fans - one has been my longest fan (fanning me from the very first day I came on) and another won a competition that I set up. There's also the magazine that I've done a review for, you and Imagination-Lady. You and Imagination-Lady have two books that I like. Be honoured because you're (almost) unique!