That's wight, I am Kiwa. *looks at you* And what can you do!!11 Kiww me wight hewe!? (・`ω´・) Heaw this: I-I-I’m nyot onwy Kira, but I am awso God of the *boops your nose* nyew wowwd!? K-Kiwa has become ÚwÚ waw in the *boops your nose* world w-w-we nyow live. He is the *boops your nose* onye who’s maintainying owdew. I have become ÚwÚ justice. T-The onwy hope fow mankind. Kiww me?!! Is that weawwy x3 the *boops your nose* wight thing to do!!11 Since K-Kiwa has appeawed 6 yeaws ago, waws have stopped and gwobaw ^w^ cwime wates have been weduced by uvw 70%. But, it’s nyot enyough. This world is stiww wotten with too *twerks* many wotten peopwe?!! Somebody has to do this!!11 And w-w-when I fiwst got that notebook all those yeaws ago, I knyew I had to do it - nyo, >w< I was the *boops your nose* onwy onye who couwd. I undewstood that kiwwing peopwe was a cwime. Thewe was nyo othew way?!?1 T-The world had to be fixed?!?1 A puwpose given to me?!?! Onwy I c-couwd do it?!?! W-Who ewse c-couwd have donye it and come this faw?!?1 T-The onwy onye, who can cweate a nyew wowwd, is me...