
Hey lovelys So I Updated Chapter 22 . The Whole Ending Is Different So Go Check It Out!!!


My twin which is actually @ KyKyWeb25 recommended this book to me and I love her even more because I got to read this amazing book and I would absolutely love it if u could update. I think everyone who has read yr book wants to know what the hell is going on because I sure do !!!!!!!


Shoutout to @polar_ who is making a trailer for TGOTGT!!! So as soon as I get it I will be sure to let everyone know! Also go read her stories Romeo and Eve or Flirt Academy! They are both amazing and if you like TGOTGT you will like them both :D


AWH i feel loved >///< <3
            ....imma fan you cause i'm all happy xD


Hey my lovely followers. I am a horrible person seriously! I am sooooo sorry for not updating my story. I have been very with school and work. But i have good news I am going to be editing and finishing The Girl On the Guys team. Now it might take some time but i am going to put a bunch of effort into it. I will let you know when I update each chapter so you can read it and give me your feedback. If there is anything you would like to see happen in the story please let me know. Also I will be making the story Rated R so if you cannot access chapters please let me know :D 
          Thank you my lovelies!!!


Woohoo glad to know your back :D I can't wait!! 
            And btw one of the things I would love to see is more dance scenes, I like when they go to clubs and I also like the drama when they have hockey games