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Hi guys! I'm currently creating a story inspired by a current RP that I'm hosting. So, here's a quick preview of the first chapter. Tamaki stares out the window of her high school daydreaming. Then suddenly, she hears shrieks from outside. As Tamaki scans the area, she sees a few student (they were most likely trying to skip) getting attacked by other people. Tamaki squints her eyes to see if she can identify these people. Something seemed... off. "Tamaki!" yells her teacher. "Yes?" questions Tamaki as she quickly turns to face her exasperated teacher. "Are you even paying attention to the lesson?" asks her teacher as she puts her hands on her hips. "No, I was just watching some students get mauled by other peeps," says Tamaki as she points out the window. "Haha, very funny, what's next, the Zombie Apocalypse kept you from doing last night's homework?" sarcastically says Tamaki's teacher. "I mean, these people out there look like they're dead, but they're trudging along," honestly answers Tamaki. "So you didn't do the homework?" "And you're not worrying about what I'm seeing?" Tamaki's teacher finally had enough of Tamaki's shenanigans and decided to look out the window. What she saw was horrific. A horde of zombies was making their way to the school. "Holy shit! Fucking tell me this is a dream God! Please!" screams Tamaki's teacher as she runs out the classroom to either leave the school to die, or to warn people, most likely both. Her screams pervade the hallways and students start to scatter throughout the school. Tamaki runs out the classroom as well, but more calmly.