Hellooo Have a good day, stay hydrated and rest a lotttt I love youuuu
Reading Lists
Just took two major end of the year tests ;-; I think I failed both only two more to go
Hellooo Have a good day, stay hydrated and rest a lotttt I love youuuu
Hey, how's it going? Have you gotten the chance to rest now that your exams are finally over?♡
@KKice127 omg yes, finally, you're well deserved break! I just want you to know that you've done a really good job, you're a good student :)) I'm doing good, I have my final test next week so I'm taking it cool. Tomorrow I have a French test but it'll be fineeeee♡♡
@tbznewberry I haven’t gotten just rest, but I just finished my 130 pages of science notes yesterday and my last minute ELA writing project ❤️ I’m technically done with school now, but I stayed to talk to a teacher. I’m in summer now! I just have a gift I’m making for my brother’s graduation tomorrow and then I’m free to read and comment to my heart’s desire ❤️ how are you?
Just took two major end of the year tests ;-; I think I failed both only two more to go
Hippity hoppity hoo I believe in you~ Good luck on your exams!!!!♡♡♡
@tbznewberry Thank q Molly! I have the weekend to destress before taking 4 on Monday and Tuesday. One of my teachers is driving me insane with work and another one is the only one actually preparing us.
Everything's well, right? I read that you cried over homework. You okay?♡
@KKice127 try to rest a little though, okay? Try to ignore the stress for when you come back to school. You should enjoy the break as much as you can♡
Just checking in to see that you're okay♡ You're not stressing yourself to death, right?♡
@tbznewberry thank you. I’ve been doing that and getting by, but my mom is pressuring me to do it. I know what I’m doing, but she insists she knows better. I’ve also been getting around 3 hours of sleep nightly for a while now and it’s really messing up my head
@KKice127 try to make one thing at the time and if you cant do something at the moment, don’t stress about it please :(
@tbznewberry it’s more of just an overdue orchestra assignment. She is the only teacher that doesn’t take late points off and she gave us a week to do an assignment that is way out of our range. I’m above average in the class, but I just got a new school issue laptop so I’ve had to sort out the settings and stuff
Hi, how are you?♡
Thank uuu for following me♡♡♡♡
I don't know if you'll see this but I just wanted to thank you for looking after me all the time, love you♡
Don't worry, I'll make sure to rest, please do the same♡ you seem like a great person too♡♡
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