

Ok so far I've been averaging a small paragraph a week which is better then getting kicked in the sack so yeah. Ohh yeah ideally I would like chapter 1 to be finished when Rimuru saves the kids exploding from their souls ripping them apart.


@KMS_Unbranded It all good it take a while to build up your story you just need to put more work into it and think ahead  and I just think about the next chapter think 20 chapters ahead but your story are pretty good once you get into the rhythm of writing you'll love it


I'm not author of Drake Tempest brother of a slime this is me cuz I saw that comment you that you put on there about that you just sent you the first one who complimented my story I wanted to know if you wanted to be in the story and as the character and if so tell me what gender the character is what you want their name to be with race they are acting like what they are like a dead Dragon character a human or something like that by the way just tell me and stuff and tell me how you want your hair to look too and I'll put them in there and tell me what role you want you character to have.


            New attacks pt2
            Flowering Night
            Giant thorny vines with rose buds made of ice devil slaying magic burst out of the ground these rose buds will start to produce very large amount of mist that freezes everything that it comes into contact with except Ophis
            White Death
            Several serpentine dragons made of ice devil slaying magic and hunt down their target. These dragons have a mind of their own but they strictly follow Ophis's orders and are unofficially classified as S rank.
            Smoking Snakes
            Ophis holds her arm out in front of her to shoot 5 snake like beams that track the target. These snakes seem to be made from the unique type of shadow that protects Ophis.


            New attacks 
            Ophis can make tentacles made from shadows and her dragon scales. They are basically extra arms uses include impaling things grabbing things hitting things. These tentacles nullify any regenation abilities, the range is everything in her eye sight . She can only make 12 due to how difficult they are to control. Less of them makes them stronger and easier to control. Due to the dragon scales these tentacles very hard and jagged 
            A Unique type of shadow that is controlled by Manas: Adem and is used to protect Ophis these shadows have a purple glow. This shadows origin is unknown, tho Guy Crimson has speculated that is was created by Manas: Adem to protect its master.
            Endless Night
            Ophis creates tens of thousands of spinning blades out of her dragon scales, ice devil slaying magic, shadow magic and gravity magic.
            Dragon scale blades: nullify regenation
            Ice devil slayer blades: nullify cold resistance  while also being more effective against demons, angels and spirits.
            Shadow blades: attack your spiritual body.
            Gravity blades: once they hit their target where they are hit gets sucked into a small black hole this includes weapons and armor.
            Example if the blade hit your chest there will be a 15cm hole where it hit you


@UchihaSwordman_16 Yeah sorry about that I saw you message that said to put her 2,000 years younger than Milim. 