I'm very imature but when something's get serious I start to act serious. You never mess with me and my opinions. I respect if some of my friends don't like what I like but they do still respect my opinions that's why I'm a very popular person at my school. 

My fav things are
Colour: blue
Food: I can't choose
My fav vacation spot: ummm... I think Hawaii
Sports: basketball and soccer
My fav singers: One Direction, Little Mix, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Kesha, and lots more.
Hobbies: I think it would be singing, dancing and doing sports

The thing that I truly hate are people that tease people about religions. I means so what if some people go to church. It's not that big deal and I mean seriously how would you like to get teased about your religion would you like it??
And enough said about that I I'm a big directioner. Since is started listening to them was when their WMYB music video came out. Since then I have been mostly spending my money on them.
Whoever dislikes the couples like Eleanour, Zerrie and Peazer better get out if my page and I really mean it!!!!
I also love Jesy, Perrie, Leigh- Anne and Ja also known as Little Mix. I totally love their music like I love 1D!!! I especially love Perrie her voice is beyond amazing just like her boyfriend Zayn from 1D

I've also been bullied at school by some girls and boys but I always had my friends with so I was very lucky to have such good friends. But the harassing and bullying never stopped so I started to cut and I didn't know why I was doing it I just found a lot of girls and boys do it when they get depressed. I started to cut deeper and deeper until it was noticeabl. My friends started to notice me wearing odd things like long sleeves in the middle of summer. They keepers asking me what was wrong and I told them. After that day they told the principal and the people who bullied me was very sorry cause they said they were just having fun.

Well this is my story.
  • Doncaster, England
  • JoinedDecember 17, 2012