this message may be offensive
I. Do. Not. Like. Littles. They’re annoying. I’m not going to fuck a child, even if it’s a kink. I’m not going to put you to bed and watch you play with baby dolls. That shit is ridiculous. 


this message may be offensive
Okay whew pop off honey but ddaayyuumm why so hostilee ik im hella late but sheeshies and if theres lottles in ur dms block them cuz thays absolutely nastu gross and disgustong not all littles are horny and thats not what lotlespace is im so sorry.anygays bmf?
          	  Sorry my spelling is shit i have fat fingers and a small ass.keybpard


          	  Frankly, I don’t care if I hurt people’s feelings. I’m still getting pms from littles asking for sex even after that post. If it’s constantly happening, hell yeah Im going to be annoyed. If this was about you, one person, I would have tagged you.


          	  I was doing it in the kindest way I’m able to. Sometimes you have to use a little force to get the point across.


this message may be offensive
I. Do. Not. Like. Littles. They’re annoying. I’m not going to fuck a child, even if it’s a kink. I’m not going to put you to bed and watch you play with baby dolls. That shit is ridiculous. 


this message may be offensive
Okay whew pop off honey but ddaayyuumm why so hostilee ik im hella late but sheeshies and if theres lottles in ur dms block them cuz thays absolutely nastu gross and disgustong not all littles are horny and thats not what lotlespace is im so sorry.anygays bmf?
            Sorry my spelling is shit i have fat fingers and a small ass.keybpard


            Frankly, I don’t care if I hurt people’s feelings. I’m still getting pms from littles asking for sex even after that post. If it’s constantly happening, hell yeah Im going to be annoyed. If this was about you, one person, I would have tagged you.


            I was doing it in the kindest way I’m able to. Sometimes you have to use a little force to get the point across.