- Love music, animals, swimming and food
- Hate to bother people with my problems
- Likes to watch Anime and Korean Variety Shows and Dramas
- Listens to K-Pop and J-Pop
- Hates spiders with a Freakin' Passion!
- Loves the color Yellow because it makes me smile every time I see it!
- Loves drawing, singing and writing and reading poetry
- Always reading a FanFic of some kind
- Wants to travel the world and visit the beautiful places that aren't really known
- Gets bored easily and loves to meet different people from around the world
- Nicknames are the following:
*Human Radio~ I can sing along to tons of songs that come on the radio!
I have lyrics always in m head!
* The Therapist~ My friends always come to me with their problems. I'll help with giving advice.
* KeliNor~ My first and Middle names.
* Panda Bear~ I love and have a huge obsession with Panda things!
* Kelico & Keli-Bear~ Just nicknames that my friend Sky and Sarah made.
* Eli Orlene~ Inside Joke between me and my friend Tess (A.K.A. Essie Neesha)
  • Texas
  • JoinedJuly 29, 2013

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