Okay, so I know most of you guys will probably will ignore this but I need to get this out.... I'm kinda unsatisfied with my art and when I look at it sometimes I just feel really bad that I'm not good enough. I mean, I know practice makes perfect, so I keep going, but somedays I just think about if my art won't improve. I try, so I keep trying and trying, but every time I draw something I just get really upset while I'm doing it and after I finish it. Like, I'll start a sketch and never finish it, because I'm scared to ruin it. I know art can be anyway you want it, I'm just not at the point where I want my art. I want to express my love for fandoms through fanart, but I never make it in the end because I feel its not good enough, and that others won't like it. Thanks if you actually read this.