Reading List
okay so now my most hated character in kotlc is alden. dc what you think but his whole thing is “dont worry” and its annoying af its not keefe anymore vuz then technically i would be hurting sophs feelings and she is my fav character so nononononono
the bad thing about shipping soruy is not having alot of good fanfics to pick from i mean theres sibylline (assasins at dusk) (quit) someone you knew-after stellarlune (updatingishard) (doesnt update often) kae_was_here (half her fanfics are soruy) (all discontinued)(quit)
@KOTLCfangirlBiana its fine lol is it cuz how i act? i dont act like this irl i say that on my bio
Ok. 2 weeks gone and I have nearly 800 reads. I can't decide if that's impressive or kinda pathetic cuz my friends have so many more reads than me.
Also I'm happy to draw anything you guys suggest, but it might suck since my drawing isn't the best. BTW what is your fave ship?
@KOTLCfangirlBiana only like some of my friends know it, and like 2 of them hate kotlc
@KOTLCfangirlBiana i get that my american friend was like “i get its a meme but…?”
Hi humans that are alive! Thanks for giving me 519 reads, even though that isn't a lot compared to literally everything else I have read... And also thanks for #73 keeperofthelostcities out of 3.66K, #105 kissing out of 11.7K, and #2 unseen out of 743 stories. I honestly didn't think I would get anything that much... What kind of stories do you guys want? I'm making a Neverseen shipping book but it's not published yet. What other books should I read and write about? You can suggest books you guys like, and then I'll write fanfictions about them. By the way, what kind of games do you guys play?
@KOTLCfangirlBiana Percy jackson, heroes of olympus, purple hyacinth (webtoon), school bus graveyard (webtoon), the owl house (show), GJ=Good job
Hiiiii. Um, I'm sorta stupid so I might need you guys to type out the full names of the books...sorry.
It's been a week yay
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