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Part 2
And then I woke up! Or so I thought. I was having a sleep paralysis in a dream!?! I was like "shit!" and I've always been scared of getting sleep paralysis aNd wElP hErE wE aRe. And I was Scared but also a part of me was like "Oh snap, this is scary! But finally I get to experience what sleep paralysis feels like!" And I tried moving but sadly I couldn't, I was aware and sleeping I think??? (Or maybe just sleeping and dreaming.) Because I thought I was actually able to move my body but then I woke up agAin and realized I'm still stuck and so I tried focusing on moving my body and waking up but I was still slEEPING and DREAMING. And then I heard LOUD FUCKING NOISES THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH IN MY EARS.
I think I heard my sister beside me, and I couldn't open my eyes but I could still see as in 'imagine' what was in front of me. I remembered reading about making noises to make someone wake you up fully, but I couldn't use my voice at all, but I could hear my breathing and so I made loud breathing noises and even went like "SNIFF* SNIFF* AND MAKING WEIRD BREATHING NOISES*"But then I realized my sister and me do this sometimes that she wouldn't take me seriously and I saw that there was no hope and I hate my sister now.
But I hated the noise even more! I actually hated the loud 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep' noise that hurt like a bitch enough that I was so annoyed my brain probably thought it was an alarm or someone disturbing my slEEP. And I actually woke up! Real this time!! Finally!
To be continued!