Hello! My name is K.R. Kampion and I'm a thirty-something who lived the the cliche college dream of graduating university and traipsing off to the largest major city in the general vicinity to pursue fame, fortune, and a writing career only to fall in love with a man from the same town as my old uni and return despite myself.

I am now the official scheduler for the four Associate Deans of the college I graduated from, fielding emails, making sure the professors turn their paperwork in on time and keeping the people my Deans don't want to talk to away from them.

I graduated from the University of Iowa with a B.A in English and Creative Writing with a side of Entrepreneurial Management and an Honors Thesis about vampire monstrosity in literature. Yes, we all know I'm a nerd. I also play a LOT of D&D and have way too many characters. Heaven help me the day they decide they all want their own plots.

My favorite things to write about are alternate histories, vampires, complicated fantasy romances, explosions, protagonists with issues, and fight sequences. Sometimes all at once.
  • Iowa, USA
  • JoinedApril 29, 2023

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