
Hey Guys, Gals and non binary pals. I'm going to finish up my one work on here and trust me it is a lot better because I have literally not updates in three years and anything is better than 12 year old me. I might start writing another story afterwards, but we will see. Thanks so much for sticking around, check out my story if you can (the first few chapters suck because sometimes there is just no way to fix 12 year old me)


Hey Guys, Gals and non binary pals. I'm going to finish up my one work on here and trust me it is a lot better because I have literally not updates in three years and anything is better than 12 year old me. I might start writing another story afterwards, but we will see. Thanks so much for sticking around, check out my story if you can (the first few chapters suck because sometimes there is just no way to fix 12 year old me)


Status. Listen to yourself kid. Listen.
          Dear you,
          Yes. You. You have this for a reason.
          Do you hear them? 
          The screams and the shouts
          That make me cover my ears 
          Yet still they are heard
          The voices 
          That are speaking
          And no they wont stop
          The shrieks
          It keeps coming 
          Please, i pray, please
          The noises
          That's the pounding which never will end
          The constant banging of my head 
          I just want to disappear
          But there's no where to hide
          There's light
          Showing who I am
          And it feels like
          Someone's crushing me
          Suffocating me
          Punching me 
          Killing me
          And for once
           I wish it was dark


            You were walking on the moon and now you're feeling low
            What they said wasn't true, you're beautiful.
            Sticks and stones break your bones,
            I know what you're feeling words like those won't steal your glow
            Your one in a million.
            -brittnicole gold.


Live life
            Not tomorrow
            Don't regret one thing
            Just live it like its the first day 
            And live like there will never be a last


Some slash their wrists 
            Some swallow a bottle of pills
            Jump of a high rise
            Hang themselves or
            Blow their brains out
            And in that moment
            When they are bleeding to death
            Closing their eyes for the last time
            Or hanging loose in the air
            About to let that weight drop
            And let that 
            Bullet pierce through their skin
            Are the moments they feel most alive
            Maybe suicide is meant for that
            So very "Special moment"
            To feel alive
            Just once before
            You cease to 


Hi Kierlyn! It's Emma, remember me? Queen Tobia? Well anyway, I'm so sorry to hear that you were bullied. You are an AMAZING person!(I'm a stalker) 
          P.S. pufferfish can smile!(you can too,why not try it? Smiling can make you feel great sometimes) spread the word that pufferfish can smile!


Hey Emma, I had no idea you had wattpad. And thanks for saying that about pufferfish it did make me smile. :)


@KSDivergent  Thx. Same to ya! My legs are so sore! NYURGGG. But seriously I will be there for ya. Maybe not physically but mentally. And emotionally. And do you know how much I suck and hand coordination for drums. And yeah, sure I'm good singing... I think.


Today was four more hours of running and sprinting ugh. I am so sore. But my thighs don't even jiggle now they are rocks so is my stomach and biceps.


@KSDivergent What the hell are you talking about? Have you seen how you legs aren't squishy like fat? You are built in with muscle. @nek1818 and I admire how many sports you are talented at. You have so much strength and endurance and I would dig to have something like that. You are fast. You have determination and perseverance until you accomplish your goal. I would never be able to. I admire you. I admire how excited you get when we talk about books, how the sparks in your eyes light up when we hang out, and how smart you are in all subjects.  I can't bear to see sadness in those unique gray eyes of yours. You think your not beautiful? Well, didn't you say you try to avoid mirrors at all cost. Look at one. Your features amaze me. Gray eyes, blonde hair, pale skin. Gad made an amazing combo. If you want to be better than those popular girls, you already are. You are smarter, more athletic, prettier, and much more likable than them. At least realize this: Your mission is already accomplished. Maybe it's the hair, cuz you are so oblivious to the fact that you are placed in your friends and families' hearts. We cannot replace that smart and brave person in our group. Everyone has a part. Me with the terrible puns and stupid responses. And I'm not going to continue until you realize who you truly are.
          Mission accomplished.


Thank you Vaishu. You too are irreplaceable. Your smart funny and are a make up queen. You can sing and play instruments. I just wanted to thank you for being there when everything went down hill for my your a great friend. I'm glass that some one said something to me because I have been a mess. Thanks Vaishu for making me smile.