
Hello everyone!
          	Kaise ho sab?
          	I know you were missing updates, now I'm back. Check out the latest update and share your reviews. Also if you are liking the story kindly like, comment and share. 
          	Love you all!


KSHAsh... please update na, it's been three days, we are addicted to this story like a fire moth...we will be destroyed without this story


@KSHAsh_123  you tell me how your exam went...I pray you get into this job ASAP...


@siaramchandra :-)) I'm shying... thank you very much dear, from today I have End Term Exams for my last term of MBA...
            Happy Shivratri 


@siaramchandra Haha, thank you for your devotion. Pardon me Your highness, I was busy with my exam.


Hello everyone!
          I hope you all are doing great. I have been invested in this story since last 4 months, every chapter, every scene is a well organized thought. Sometime what we wanted to achieve is actually not the end result, so I have to align the storyline with every chapter. But this story is not getting the love it deserve or maybe you all are actually not liking it. I don't know. If my readers are not happy with the story than what's the point of writing.


@KSHAsh_123 yaa plze don't take a ch decisions I am rooting for u


@KSHAsh_123 i just love your story, don't take such harsh decisions and hurt my heart


hey author i know this story is different from other stories of second wife , but please don't repeat same plot of making first wife the ultimate loser where she loses everything and second wife gets everything just because she is fertile and can give birth. Make both ladies strong and don't do injustice to any of the wife .


@Mazaama well I've introduced 4 characters...
            You will not be disappointed
            I am excited to write the story but I've an exam.


@KSHAsh_123 also are the two women going to be fighting with each other for superiority or each will be fighting with the ‘shared husband’ for superiority.  because husband always has fun and escapes difficult situations


@KSHAsh_123 thanks looks like a different plot already. Please make firstwife also fierce and strong. A quick question, does husband betray firstwife or cheat in love . If husband starts loving second wife i am not going to continue so i asked. Otherwise plots and plans is fun.