
          	Really, I do. I always claim I've never been so busy in my life, and then all of the sudden, I'm bombarded with MORE stuff to study and more practicals that I have to prepare for. In the past two weeks I've had 3 lab practicals, three exams, and four quizzes. In the next two weeks I have 4 exams and two dental practicals (a crown prep + interim  and a class IV restoration, not that that means anything to you). This means that I am SWAMPED. Beyond my limit. I have part of the next chapter written, but I hate and have to rewrite it. But this only means it will be better. I PROMISE. (I'm so sorry)


          Really, I do. I always claim I've never been so busy in my life, and then all of the sudden, I'm bombarded with MORE stuff to study and more practicals that I have to prepare for. In the past two weeks I've had 3 lab practicals, three exams, and four quizzes. In the next two weeks I have 4 exams and two dental practicals (a crown prep + interim  and a class IV restoration, not that that means anything to you). This means that I am SWAMPED. Beyond my limit. I have part of the next chapter written, but I hate and have to rewrite it. But this only means it will be better. I PROMISE. (I'm so sorry)


What's this? I ACTUALLY updated? Spirits, save me! How did that happen?
          After an angrily long hiatus, Kya and Hilt are back. Forgive me for my absence, darlings. But the next chapter is up! And hopefully more to come! 
          As for all of those stories in my queue, I am terribly behind! I shall try my best to catch up!


I think this is pretty obvious to most, but I'm going on a temporary hiatus here. It will likely last 2 months. I just started Graduate school and I need to get into a schedule before I can get back into a true schedule with writing. 
          I may update during that time, but it will be sporadic! So sorry!!