
Hey Oppa, if I'm not wrong then it's your birthday right..!?
          Happiest Birthday to the first fanboy I've ever meet...Hope your all dreams come true (specially that being successful one) Plz be safe and sound wherever you are .... May God give all the happiness to you.... Stay blessed Oppa... 
          (You didn't even tell me your name..)
          (If I'm wrong about this birthday thing then sorry I just got to know that from some sources that can be wrong too)
          Lots of love from Harshuu_k1994.. ✨


So guys again in the behalf of author-nim I want you to guys know that due to some personal reasons she might not be able to update for sometime . 
          So till then we have to wait and ya guys I just hope you all understand her and wait . She will update soon .  


So guys again in the behalf of author-nim I want you to guys know that due to some personal reasons she might not be able to update for sometime . 
          So till then we have to wait and ya guys I just hope you all understand her and wait . She will update soon .  


Our author is dead. 
          I want to attend her funeral. 
          I will miss you I loved your stories very much. 


@arifftale  I know dear that your intentions were not wrong behind it. But in my contact I know someone whose account got deleted due to this type of comments even if it was just a joke. That's why I was just telling you because I thought that our author's account don't get delete too. My intention is not to scold you or taunt you dear. I was just concerned about the author. I am sorry if you feel bad sis. 


@Emerald_sky17 oh sis, I didn't really meant that she is dead. It's just our love for her that we can't wait for update. You know how much we love our author. But if she didn't updated soon. You all will have to come to my funeral soon. 


@arifftale  I am sorry if you feel bad. But commenting on this type of topics is not so sensible. This is really a sensitive topic so it's not right to comment on it. I request you to not spread rumors about the author. If author is not updating that means she is busy that doesn't mean we can say anything about her. I know I have nothing to do with it but trust me it's not appreciable to comment like this. I am sorry if I hurted your feelings as it was not really my intention. Thank you. 