
Crack Black is doing so well! I was scared to post my work where people will see because I thought nobody would like it. My friend told me to try wattpad, I did. Look at me now. 
          	I’m grateful. Really. 
          	I know I said I was publishing a new book soon, but things changed. My readers from Snapchat said they don’t like to wait, and that I should complete my story first before publishing next time. 
          	I wanna know what you guys think about that. It could take a while because the comments and votes keep me going. This one is like doing it alone and hoping you all like it. 


Crack Black is doing so well! I was scared to post my work where people will see because I thought nobody would like it. My friend told me to try wattpad, I did. Look at me now. 
          I’m grateful. Really. 
          I know I said I was publishing a new book soon, but things changed. My readers from Snapchat said they don’t like to wait, and that I should complete my story first before publishing next time. 
          I wanna know what you guys think about that. It could take a while because the comments and votes keep me going. This one is like doing it alone and hoping you all like it. 


Omg!!! Congrats on 15k!!! Ahhhh ❤️


@K_M_Victor ❤️❤️! Such an amazing moment so proud of u! Other projects coming will hit twice as much numbers ik it


Thank you very much!! ❤️❤️ Wasn’t excited about it, but now I’m smiling. 
            And, you are my first friend on wattpad. I’m glad we still here. 


New fear unlocked: eating at parties. 
          Yesterday, I planned to update. The chapter was half-done. Then my cousin came and said it’s our neighbor’s birthday so I should come with him. I wanted to say no. But…
          Nah, I’m just kidding. I got dressed in less than five minutes and was behind that boy with my chest out. 
          Bro, the first red flag was everyone was smoking. Smoke made clouds. And that should have made me leave—since I don’t smoke, but there was a lot of fine girls (and boys too ;)). For some reason these people kept passing me the blunt. I refused.
          So, I was chilling, doing me, and they brought the food out. Yes, I accepted the food because what could go wrong? 
          A lot actually. 
          Dude, I enjoyed that barbecue. I don’t eat spicy food but I ate a lot of that food. Like two plates. Or three. I don’t know. Did I mention I was already drinking? Yes, I was. 
          Then someone new came, and this girl who served me my food told the person that everything had weed in it. And I was shocked that my cup dropped from my hand. I wanted to leave, but bro… my head did this spinning thing and I sat right back down (I knew I hadn’t reached my drinking limit. I never do) 
          Then I started to panic. Like… I was scared that I was going to die because I couldn’t breathe. And through it all, I was trying to act normal. I told my cousin the food had weed, and the dude said… “I know. Didn’t you?”
          Most of what happened was a blur, and my cousin had to explain the story to me today. Dude said I vomited a lot, but the good thing is I didn’t act stupid or cause a scene. I cried myself to sleep, while thinking the pillow was my girl, cuddling with it. 
          I don’t think I’m attending a party soon. That boy knew that thing had weed and he called me because he wanted to f$$k me up since—according to him—I’m always acting tuff. 


@lonleyloner2007 Ngl, I like parties, but I know how to control myself. 
            I finna make that dude’s girlfriends know that all of them are sidechicks to each other 


@K_M_Victor I have actually never been to a party for some reason I always decline and then end up sleeping all day and acting all depressed 


@K_M_Victor As you should get him good 


Hey, I hope you're doing well! I just started writing my first ever story, and I’d love to know what you think if you have the time. It’s set in the Harry Potter universe and it’s called A New Realm of Hope. Would mean a lot to me if you gave it a read! 


I’m definitely going to read. ❤️


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


No problem. I’ll definitely give it a shot. ❤️


Thank you all for 1k votes. 
          Update should have been today, but guess who has a lot on his plate? I’m updating tomorrow—maybe two chapters. 
          Y’all stay safe.


@lonleyloner2007 yeah, sure, you definitely can. 
            I’d love to read it. ❤️


@K_M_Victor Congratulations on 1k votes
            So quick question would it be ok if I promoted my new book here on your conversation board 