I do intend on writing for it, I have a few chapters written but unfortunately they aren’t complete. Eventually there will be chapters posted but I’m not positive with how soon.
heyy, as a writer i understand continuing chapters and stories can be tedious and I hate to be that person but...everywhere, everything is magic, it's beautiful, interesting and god I need more. please please please, can we have another chapter soon?
love fleur xx
I’ve got a chapter in the works! Unfortunately I’m not sure how quick I will be to completing and posting it but hopefully sooner rather than later! :)
Hey yall, I’m going to try and push myself to finish this chapter. So, if all goes as I want it too, there should be an update before the end of this month. Sorry for makin yall wait so long
I’m manifesting or some shit, I just saw a clip of Cari Fletcher singing Close to you on a podcast with her ex girlfriend. I screamed so loud, istg if Fletcher and Gracie collab… it’s over for me