Yusuf, a talented writer from the Maldives, is known for his vivid storytelling and imaginative prowess. With a penchant for exploring intricate themes and thought-provoking narratives, he delves into the human psyche and the metaphysical world through his written works. "Virgin Awakening," one of his compelling stories, showcases his ability to blend mystical elements with philosophical insights, creating a captivating and enlightening narrative. Yusuf's writing style often incorporates elements of mysticism, utopian ideals, and existential ponderings, engaging readers with thought-provoking concepts and immersive storytelling.
  • Maldives
  • JoinedAugust 5, 2018


Story by Yusuf Abdulla Shunan
Virgin Awakening by Kaainaath
Virgin Awakening
In the vast expanse of the Universe, nestled among known and unknown realms of outer space, lies Febu-a tiny...
ranking #61 in visionary See all rankings
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