
          Chapter 25 - 26 out now.
          for those that are reading Sex Partner simply for the ‘ sex ‘ part of the story, I’m not sure you even fully understand my writing and how I write at all…. 
          I have gotten remarks — asking and have read comments specifically talking about things like how they want Yaami and Yuugi to see each other again to ‘ Do the do ‘ 
          All the while, not grasping the entire plot behind the story. I didn’t make Sex Partner ( or any of my books for that matter ) just about sex. 
          it’s about the relationship between the characters, the drama, the trauma, the conflicts, the hardships, the realism! realistic-fiction and how their passion and their bond correlates when they do that together and every other thing that each character individually goes through….
          If your interest is simply for smut books and all you care about is reading smut books you are reading the    W R O N G    type of book. as my books are not solely smut related…….. 
          It also shows lack of maturity. and if you are underage you shouldn’t even be reading or viewing my books at all ! this is why I will stop uploading or take down my books, as I want readers who are reading my books knowing full and well   W H A T  they are reading, because they understand and are following the  P L O T . 
          not solely because its got Yami and Yugi in it, and they have sexual relations. that shows respect for me as a writer, and not as another puzzleshipping author who writes what everyone else writes because I am nothing of the sort, I am an actual writer who writes for the plots and story development, not smut just for smut. 
          I hope you all understand that more now than ever. 


@jofisk thank you love, I appreciate the support and compliment. ❤️
            Shame this even had to be said, but I still wanted to address the issue. 


Well said. I enjoy the journey you take the characters on and their development which leads to their bonding in many ways.


Hey readers ( millennials ) 
          A few important things I wish to mention. First and foremost, I will no longer be writing male x male and female x female like books. As I am no longer comfortable doing so. 
          My spiritual beliefs are a huge part of my life now and have been for quite some time. I only choose to continue to finish and write Sex Partner and Billionaire Playboy because I want to finish those books off and I know that my readers enjoy those books. 
          In addition, I no longer am associated with the LGTBQ, but I do respect those that are still involved in that. Furthermore, those that are true fans of my work and writing, will not care what I write and simply love my writing, I wish to say I thank you wholeheartedly. <33 
          and will continue to thank you for sticking around even after the fact. My writing is all fictional and I do not wish for anyone to be influenced by my writing in a negative manner and believe this is something I myself do or enjoy being around. 
          This is all once again, fictional, and creativity, that I love being able to express through my writings. Also, just to clarify I will finish writing Sex Partner and Billionaire Playboy not because I feel as though I have too— I want too, because those two books I truly loved to write and just wanna finish them completely ! 
          But after those books are done, I will no longer be doing anything that is lgbtq related, but that doesn’t mean I won’t still be writing Yugioh books. <33 


Morning, Millennials. 
          Yessss I know I said you’d see me next week but you get lucky and see me today ! <33 anywho—
          I am in mouth pain…. ;^; so right now I’m mainly getting rest. ( but though my mouth hurts my hands do not ) 
          the surgery I had went great, and everything was good but yesterday was the worst— 
          overall— I am doing good— so good I decided to finish chapter 23 ? 24? Whatever I just did for sex partner ( my mind is not all here lol but it was here enough to finish writing ✍️ that chapter ) 
          anyways thanks for supporting, reading and commenting. much love.


          Chapters 8-10 are out for 
          The Fallen Deity ( still unsure of the title name) 
          come give it a read, like, comment and don’t forget to follow me if you haven’t already ! <33
          I will not be uploading on Wednesday - Saturday because that is when my surgery and the recovering I have to do starts. I may upload tomorrow ( billionaire playboy ) if not you’ll see me next week ! ;^; 
          thanks for reading. 
          ( also to those that read the chapters out of order, what are you even doing???? :/ I can see the views I get on each chapter— and it’s uneven numbers…….. ) 


          Yes your eyes do not deceive you. You are indeed looking at a sex partner chapter update. It has finally arrived… I have finally been able to make a new chapter and continue the story this time indefinitely ! 
          Thank you for waiting <33
          Billionaire Playboy && Sex Partner update today! Read both chapters, comment, star ⭐️ && follow me ! 


Bonjour Millennials! <33
          Chapter 31 of Billionaire Playboy is out now! 
          31 chapters already in and published. I am relieved that I managed to push that many out and many more to follow. 
          Remember to drop a star, comment & follow me so that I am able to continue to update and keep my books around for you all. Thanks once again for reading and supporting ! ! 


Millennials ! 
          Attention, thank @Mercibeaucoup3456
          as their comment on my sex partner final chapter ( 22 ) has finally allowed me to go back and relook at what I needed to and thanks to some writing down and brainstorming and notes I believe I can finally and actually consistently upload all three books at once whenever I deserve ! ! <333 
          That’s right, due to their comment asking ‘ when will there be another update. ‘ small comments and appreciation like that show love that only true readers can bring me that gives inspiration for me to continue to write. After months and years of writers block— 
          I can finally say truly I believe I can start writing in that book again. ( believe me, I always wanted to finish that book and now I know exactly how I want the story to go ) thank you to that individual whom helped me motivate myself to try and remember what the book was suppose to even bring. <333
          I will still also upload Billionaire Playboy and also my newest book as well, but be sure to leave stars, comments and save them in your readers list and follow me !!!! as that will encourage me to continue to write these books so I know who all really wants to Read. My. Books. Specifically. 
          I will not do an update for sex partner today, but it’ll most likely be out next week Monday ! So be on the look out for the new chapter . . 
          Until next time. XOXO  


Hey Millennials <33
          First and foremost I know I say this about all the new books I start writing but this one really is the one for me. No one understands the realism I am trying to provide for this new book, all while it’s in a supernatural, fiction time period. 
          I want this book to be relatable as possible to the people who want to truly invest in the time reading it slowly and thoroughly. The characters I bring inside this book even with Yami Yugi being in the book, all should feel relatable and real as if the reader can say “ This is me. “ or “ I act this same way. “ if you can feel that— that means I’m doing very good. 
          When I read these chapters I bring out— I want to capture as much realism in their feelings, actions, thoughts, and expressions as much as possible. And because of this— that is why the chapters are flying out more than ANY other book I have ever done and shall ever done. 
          This is literally a dream book of mines. meaning all the creative dreams and nightmares  I have ever had, and wanted to write about and wanted my readers to also feel and experience are all going to be written in this book. <33 
          Which is most likely why I am able to write so often because I can write the emotions, mental imagery and feelings for each person so easily, without having writers block. This book will be the best book I have ever written in my opinion. 
          and I thank those that have already saved it into their Reading List’s you guys are so so sweet ! && thank you  && those that have STARRED the pages they liked reading yes thank you as well. I’d love to get you all’s comments ( feedback ) on the book thusfar and how you feel about these characters developments. 
          New chapters 5 - 7 are available now and plenty more will follow today or Sunday ( not tomorrow because I’ll be busy having a me day. ) thanks for reading  


+ ( add on. ) 
            these chapters will sometimes include the N word and yes I am black before I have ridiculous people in the comments ( not my loyal followers obviously ) who will try and say or ask me am I black. 
            yes I am a full black woman so the N word is acceptable here, I wouldn’t even write it in my books if I was another nationality. <33


It’s 1:25am here. ( Hey Millennials ) 
          I was too excited to sleep, but I’m so tired now but I finished four chapters working on this new book I couldn’t wait for you all to start reading <33
          I hope you enjoy it. It’s called ( for now because I’m still thinking of title ) Demonic. 
          I wanted to bring my creative ideals into another book that isn’t puzzleshipping related
          to showcase my talents in other styles of writing and other genres. so give it a read and look over~ thanks. 