
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL HORAN!!!!! My baby is turning 20 how is this possible? I watched like 50 vines of his past birthdays and I cryed so much!! I wanna send him something nice!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALLER!!!!!!!!


Niall: "I deserve to be in One Direction." Liam: "I'm not boring." Louis: "I'm not gay." Zayn: "Don't judge me by my religion." Harry: "I'm not a man whore." I'm starting a chain. True Directioners will repost this and add their name and a heart.
          Tessa ♥ Nicole ♥ Kaylee. ♥ Natalia♥ Autumn♥ Georgia♥ Luz ♥ Amelia ♥ Julia ♥ Razan ♥ Karlee ♥ Casey ♥ Ashley ♥ Megan ♥ Jessica ♥ Shanley ♥ Chloe Kenia♥♥Lauren♥Abbey ♥ Lauren ♥Kayla♥ Emily❤ Katie ♥ Makayla ♥ Emily♥ Becca♥ Chiara ♥ Petra ♥ Helena ♥Carolina❤Tracy♥ Asha ♥ Charlie ♥ Char♥ Livy♥ Rebel♥Kati♥ Kiara ♥ Hannah ♥ Emily ♥ Alyssa ♥ ♥ Esther <3 Ymaris Abby<3 ♥Amanda♡ Cazza <3 Buffy ❤Jewel <3 Mila <3 Kianna<3 Keana<3 Kaitlyn ♥Lauren♥ Abby♥Lexi❤ Emily Ann <3 Julia Guzman<3❤❤❤❤❤Sienna Swearingen<3<3<3  ❤ Stacy ❤ Hanna❤ ❤ ❤ KeLiyah<3 <3 Mac❤❤ 
          Lindsey❤❤ Arielle :D <3. <3 Kayla