@Kae_CaleHenituseSimp Mother, relax. I was merely trying to inform you about that. I don't approve of it, of course. I thought that must be the reason why they kept saying it was normal for them. Religion can be harsh sometimes.
But I do admit, it does work. My parents can attest. Yet again, I don't approve of it. Corporal punishment can either set someone straight, or give trauma instead. That depends on the severity of the punishment and on the parents. Some parents are good at, hmm, 'controlling' the punishment and knows how to comfort the child afterwards. And there are others who just vents all of their anger towards their children, and that's definitely not good.
Anyhow, I don't approve of corporal punishment. It'll take a very long time to get rid of it, because it's practically a tradition as well. *sigh* Guess we'll see in the future.