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Since may i've been going to the hospital for the same reason, it started as fucking hell and then i had surgery, something i've never experienced in my life, it was good, for the most part until it wasn't anymore, i went a few days ago for the same reason and my hopes were a little bit high, but its starting to go downhill again, im so tired of taking pill after pill after pill, i'm so tired of my body being like this, i dont have cancer or anything that serius, but it has something to do with my private part and it hurts a lot, im so tired of being so scared to go to the toilet because i know it hurts like a bitch, im tired, what the hell im i doing wrong, i fear that once again its gonna go the same path as it did in the past, i wish i could just go back in time and tell my younger self to just fucking knock it off and take care of myself more, to be more obserbant, to be better so i dont turn out like this, but alas is real life we're talking about