
Chapter 17: The Malaysian Idol Curse is the new chapter released on The Choirs of Megaputra. Enjoy! The next chapter, Chapter 18: Miss Congeniality, will be published next Friday. 


Rick Riordan Presents
          Rick Riordan Presents is an imprint series within Disney Publishing Worldwide. The imprint features books that are connected to ancient myths in the modern day, much like Rick Riordan's books, with a few exceptions. The editor of Rick Riordan Presents, sometimes abbreviated to RRP, is Stephanie Owens Lurie. The first book published was Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani “Rosh” Chokshi.
          Riordan had confirmed that the books were set in a distinct universe from his and he merely edited the books and wrote the introduction, for which he was paid a nominal fee by Disney. The imprint allows other authors to explore their cultural myths in the modern day and aims to bring them to the attention of Riordan's audience by being associated with his name.


Happy Monday! Well, it's already Monday here in Malaysia. 
          In the latest chapter release last Friday, Chapter 16 - London Bridge is Down, the obituary of the best choir conductor in Megaputra from SMK Mary of Teck, Clarissa Ching, has been disseminated. Danial (and of course you, the readers) are invited to the funeral. 
          Stay tuned, as the funeral will definitely be filled with drama. 
          Meanwhile, the next chapter, Chapter 17 - The Malaysian Idol Curse will be released THIS FRIDAY. Put this book on your shelves and get notified when it's up. Danial, Raisa, Zara, Mifzal, and Madam Dayang are in a heated conversation on what songs SMK Tengku Simpulan Intan choir team are going to sing in the Megaputra District Choir Competition. 


@FluentTale Auuweeee. I'm so glad I have a loyal reader such as you. Thanks so much for your support. Leave some comment  when you're reading there. At least I know where I'm going for the story from your POV.


@ KaedeMountbatten  Can't wait pal


The new chapter of 'The Choirs of Megaputra', Chapter 16 - London Bridge is Down is out! 
          Leave some comments there. Would love to know how you feel about the story so far. Thank you.


I'm not eligible for the Ongoing Wattys, as I didn't update 8 out of 10 weeks before the submission date. So, I'm keeping this for next year.


            The Ambys only accept complete stories. The Wattys accept incomplete stories (you still have until August 6). Go and check out the rules.


Am I still eligible to join? Wait, I thought they only receive complete stories?


Stay tuned! As 'The Choirs of Megaputra' latest chapter, Chapter 16 - London Bridge is Down is going to be released tomorrow! 


@FluentTale Hope you've enjoyed the chapter


@ KaedeMountbatten  lessgo


New chapter of 'The Choirs of Megaputra', Chapter 14 - The Law Family is out.
          I've written a few chapters in advanced. Every new chapter will be released every Friday.  Enjoy reading.


Hi. I had a writer's block. But after ideas flowing in, I already wrote four chapters in advance. And still continue writing for more. Will be publishing new chapter every Friday.


@ KaedeMountbatten  Yo, you're back! Good to see you again.


Hola quería invitarte a leer mi novela. Si te gusta el romance puede ser una buena historia para que comiences a leer!!!
          Amelia Luxor es una chica buena e inteligente, tiene sueños y metas como cualquier otra... Es una chica común y corriente que no cree en los amores de película. 
          Jonathan Lennox es un actor prometedor que poco a poco se transformó en la estrella de cine furor del momento. Lo que le subió los humos a la cabeza.  
          El destino ya está predestinado y sus mundos están próximos a colisionar... 
          Muchas Gracias!.