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dam I did not think I would ever be back on this app lmao, quarantine is messing with me. I’m not gonna write anything on here but holy shit looking back makes me c r i n g e


Lowkey might move to a different writing platform after TBoJH because I'm kinda not feeling it here on Wattpad anymore but idk, I'm still deciding. Can't say I won't pop in from time to time but I might just stop writing here. We'll see


If Michael ever got a squip it would be Joe Iconis


@ItsLuna2 yeah but,,,joe iconis


@Kaetbab him or Bob Marley 


I don't know when anyone will notice these but anyways 
          I just realized that in Alexander Hamilton, they people who narrate are those who were around to impact Alex's legacy after his death. For example, Jefferson and Madison narrate instead of Laf and Herc narrating. Thats because they didn't stay that close in touch with Hamilton after the war (at least I don't think so). Laf went back to France, and while Herc was around it wasn't really all that close to do anything. Angelica was a friend but definetly not close enough to get a part in narrating, she also didn't do much to help impact Alex's legacy. Jefferson and Madison narrate because after Alex died, they bashed his name even more until it was nothing but a bad memory. Eliza narrates because she sticks around to help people know the true story and to uphold Alex's legacy when he couldn't be around to do it. Burr narrates for a slightly different reason. He impacted Alex's life as a whole, all the way up until the very end, literally. 
          I dunno if it's true but I feel like it plays some part in there 


@Kaetbab aNd jOhn wAs In lOvE