
Strange message arrived just a few seconds ago O.O
          	A Mi-lien!!!


@mouseygirl66 Awwww i just saw your coment!!!! I can't believe that i am the first person fanning stealing cinder!! I LOVE YOUR STORY and I'm reading friendly competition, too.
          concerning my comprehention problems, it's because i am not a native speaker, i just learn English at school here in Germany.
          oh my god i still can't believe you replied to my comment O~O 
          i hope you manage to upload as soon as possible, I'm really looking forward reading the next chapters 
          I love you (like fangirling as hell)


haha I quite enjoy your enthusiasm :) also, I reply to all the comments I receive, since I don't ask for them at the end of the chapter each of them are particularly special to me :). I'm hoping to post new chapter to both of the stories but they can be so hard to write sometimes :P.


Hello :),
          I'm very glad you like 'Stealing Cinder' enough to comment on the story. With the persuasion of my friends I have begun updating more than I used to. I believe you are the first to admit to liking it other than my friends so I thank you very much. Also, if there is something you really don't understand you can drop a comment or even send me a message and I'd be happy to explain. I read a lot of stories that have references and such that I don't understand as well and it can take away from a stories meaning. Anyway, I'll be fanning you back and hopefully we may become internet friends as I have very few (both internet and real). Thank you again for your comment, it made me smile.
          Hope to see a post of yours soon.
          Mouseygirl66 (but you can call me Kitty as my friends do)