
Hello! Happy New Year to you all! 
          	First of all, I would like to apologise for vanishing for 2 weeks. I know that some authors update lots during the vacation but I decided to use that time for my family since I dont hang with my fam much.
          	Second, I was supposed to update today, January 2, 2021, but my fam decided to have an outing. So rest assured that I would be posting tomorrow after my classes. Yes, you read that right, here in Saudi, classes start at Sunday.
          	Third, I would like to thank all of you for the support that you've given me and my book. I really never expected a work of mine to gain this much read and popularity. 
          	Once again thank you and have a nice day/night.


@Kaguto18 It pisses me off when authors just vanish out of no where at least tell us your going to leave.


@Kaguto18 The fallen a good read looking forward to whenever ya update


@Kaguto18 Please Update


Hello! Happy New Year to you all! 
          First of all, I would like to apologise for vanishing for 2 weeks. I know that some authors update lots during the vacation but I decided to use that time for my family since I dont hang with my fam much.
          Second, I was supposed to update today, January 2, 2021, but my fam decided to have an outing. So rest assured that I would be posting tomorrow after my classes. Yes, you read that right, here in Saudi, classes start at Sunday.
          Third, I would like to thank all of you for the support that you've given me and my book. I really never expected a work of mine to gain this much read and popularity. 
          Once again thank you and have a nice day/night.


@Kaguto18 It pisses me off when authors just vanish out of no where at least tell us your going to leave.


@Kaguto18 The fallen a good read looking forward to whenever ya update


@Kaguto18 Please Update