So I like your blog. I check it out once in a while when I can, you have some great visual novel reviews. But I couldn't help but notice that you don't have my favorite visual novel on your list! I can just stab myself with a pencil. You really need to download this one. It's amazing, I can't help but wonder why in the world it's free. You must check it out and place it on your list. http://dejinyucu.deviantart.com/art/Autumn-s-Journey-454559908

Haha, thank you for checking out my blog! :3 Ooooh, you're the second person to bring that game to my attention. Tbh, I downloaded it back when it first came out. :o I promise, one of these days I'll give it a try. It seems really awesome! And I bet it is. Haha. Anyway, thank you so much for dropping me a message! :)