
So, I'm in my last (hopefully) quarter of college...hopefully I can pass all my classes and then I will be better about updating more on a regular basis...if you guys would like to comment how often you would like me to at least update for a story or two, please PM me so I can try and work something out. 


So, I'm in my last (hopefully) quarter of college...hopefully I can pass all my classes and then I will be better about updating more on a regular basis...if you guys would like to comment how often you would like me to at least update for a story or two, please PM me so I can try and work something out. 


Yo, wassup guys? I know I haven't been very active on here lately  #collegelife)...and I promised someone I would continue writing in a specific story about a month ago (again.. #collegelife)...my schoolwork suddenly slammed into me and I've been drowning in it...I apologise for not updating...I'll hopefully get a story updated soon...please forgive me...and be patient for a bit longer...


Wassup guys? It's me again...so, lately, I've been feeling more anxiety and depression...and maybe a bit of ADD...so please bear with me as I try to update my stories...I'm just at a loss for inspiration and I've got college as well...I'm kinda stressed and sad and tired and I'm lonely...my family moved to AZ recently (minus me). I'm stuck here in NE until next year (fingers crossed!). I gotta finish my degree then I'll be outta here! But until then, please read other stories of mine, or read some in my reading lists. All are really good. (Yay promoting others!) I hope you like my stories and if not, please inbox me, shoot me a message saying what story, chapter, and part you didn't like. I really enjoy getting feedback, so if you guys could do that, I'd enjoy that way more than you think...


Sorry for not updating any of my stories recently. I've been going through a tough time at school and now some family stuff has occurred that has me really stressed out. After next week, I'll update a few of my stories for y'all, so bear with me until then! And thank y'all who comment and vote on my stories. It always makes me so happy to see that you either like or love that chapter  Just bear with no updates from me until maybe the 8th of June...I've got finals next week for college so I'm kinda stressed about those...wish me luck for them 


Hey, my amazing followers! As you can probably tell, I have posted a new story (not my own of course)! The author of this story has asked that readers of this story comment on it for critiques, any comments, or anything like that! So if you could please do that , that'd be amazeballs!  Thanks bunches!


By the way, if you don't know which story it is, it's called "Hell's Angel"


To those of you readers who have read a couple of my stories, I'd love to get your feedback on how I'm doing! Are my stories interesting? Do I need to add more? Take out some stuff? Stuff like that are appreciated if you wanna comment! (Things like "you're a great writer" really tend to make my day and make me smile! ;) You know who you are) thanks bunches guys!


Hey, y'all, so if you haven't already seen, I've made a new story called "The Princess and Her Butler". Just wanted to let y'all know that I made a new one and that you should prob check it out if you like some of my other stories


@AdriannaDeGarmo yes it is the one with the badass butler guy


Hey, people, sorry for the erratic updating and long pauses! I've just been kinda stuck and trying to figure out new ideas and such! If you guys want to drop a few ideas for any of my books in the comments below, that'd be a great help to me! Thanks for your support guys! 


Tysm for adding In Her Shadow to your reading list and supporting my other series. It means the world. Your a real one!


@OliviaBankert tysm means the world. I'm glad so many people like them. Lots of Love!


@OliviaBankert no problem! I love reading your stories 