Hey guys- so it has been A WHILE. I have had a lot of changes in my life and had stopped writing while I was trying to figure things out. Recently I've had some really awful personal stuff happen and honestly I think going back and writing is going to be very therapeutic for me. SO I am in the process of rewriting my story Quarantine. That one was already a pretty self indulgent fantasy of mine anyways that already had characters that are a part of my real life. The things that have happened in my life recently have changed my dynamics and relationships with these real people in my life and I feel like updating the story to reflect those changes will allow me to process some of the trauma I've gone through. Even allowing me a chance at closure I may never get. So if you were reading my Quarantine story with Timothee Chalamet at all, just know that the changes I've made reflect what have truly happened in my life and I am going to take the leap to be as honest as I can while writing about this so I can hopefully find a way to heal. I am not going to give it away all at once, but I wouldn't be surprised if y'all can figure out what has happened either. Again, the work is totally self-indulgent and cheesy, but with everything with my life how it is now, it also just really hits and I hope anyone ready it can be patient with me while I work through this and process. Anyways, thanks to everyone who has left comments on here for me- I really appreciate it.