
I have an ebook copy now, so an update is planned for the weekend, with one tonight if I get off work on time! Thanks so much to @MidnightOwl98 for the copy!


Anyone have a copy of The Chamber of Secrets as a pdf? The ebook I was using became unavailable, and I've lost my physical copy, which is why their haven't been any updates recently. If any
          of you has one or knows of one that would be fantastic.
          I'm sorry to keep you waiting, please be patient with me! 


I am sooooo sorry, I've had sooo many problems, from a bad family diagnosis, to a slew of bad news. I have the Chamber of Secrets reserved at the library, so I'll be rereading it soon, and then starting it hopefully by mid-August, early September at the latest. 
          Again, terribly sorry


its been 2 months still nothing PLZ KAIA I NEED HARRY 
          -Me with money in dark alley-
          Ark U got the stuff??
          Yes Melody U got the cash?
          We trade items
          I go home read Harry Potter and say ahhhhh relief too bad I have to go again tomorrow.


To all my fans:
          To answer your questions, yes, I will be writing a sequel to TFS, but first I need to reread Chamber of Secrets, which is checked out at the library DX. With that, and my killer course load for school (2 six page reports due soon) I will not be writing the sequel for about a month or so. Super sorry, but school comes first XD
          Love you all, thanks to all who voted, fanned, and commented! You are all amazing!