Now that I think about it, I think Jurassic Park 3 may have inadvertently inspired the “Good” Dino vs “Bad” Dino stuff we see in the Jurassic World films. Spinosaurus was basically the big antagonist, and the raptors were parents trying to take back their stolen eggs. What do you guys think?

@KaijuLord54 well Jurassic Park 3 wasn't a book like the other 2 movies, so whoever directed it probably wanted to go a different direction. I wished they added the carnos from the second book. They were terrifying, being able to go invisible and all, and they only realized they were carnos once they were trying to get to the helicopter and the light showed their silhouette but it made them look like The Predator invisibility

@KaijuLord54 bro can you make some of the what if like the characters had went through through the story like a power ranger what if with marvel/thing