
I'm crying wtf are my stories LMAOO


"Those kids have been through a lot, and you here making their lives even more sh*ttier" Wilbur felt a sharp pain from his heart cus of those words
          Other people had said the same things but he never cared but that changed when he said that "I've heard everything, You destroyed what you and your friends home, and your trying to repeat the whole cycle"
          The taller man turned around "That's quite pathetic, and disappointing" the man looked at Wilbur with no emotion, no sympathy. Just a blank face
          Other people had told them this, it was same thing over and over but when Y/n said it.. it felt quite different
          It hurt him
          Decided to write this preview of Soft c!Wilbur lmao cus I'm bored :}


I knew where this was going, "Hello Will" a voice behind me spoke turning around to meet those beautiful (eye color) eyes 
          The last time I saw his eyes, when he was in the hospital dying.. my tears couldn't hold up anymore, they started to fall as the boy Infront of me smile
          "Hey don't cry" Y/n's right hand cupped Wilbur's cheek comforting him, it felt so real
          Gosh he misses him so much
          Why did you have to die, why did you have to leave me
          I want you right here with me.. not in a virtual reality game 
          The man before him smiled as the his figure starts to fade away, the background does the same
          Fading and turning to darkness
          A message appeared right after
          "Rest in peace Y/n L/n" (last name)
          Wilbur took of his vr headset and started to tear up
          Chat was very confused
          "Thank you L/n Corp. For making this game.. for me"
          I'm bad at angst xd


@kaikousimps no it isn't ;-;


@rubyyo1234 that is great news :kekw: