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I'm coming out of the closet. I'm bisexual. I have known this for a long time actually, and around since 2022 I always wondered if I was bi, because yes I've been attracted to boys but then I started to develop an attraction to girls, I ended up having a huge crush on my friend for two years, and eventually I confessed, and it got to a point where I got down on one knee, kissed her hand and asked her if we could date. She said no. I know that it's avoidant attachment of hers, and mine is an anxious attachment, and as they say, opposites attract. I fucked up the friendship by confessing, and we are still friends but not as close...and now the feelings no longer exist.
But upon going back to school after six years of being homeschooled, I realized that I was blushing a LOT because of girls, and later realized I was attracted to some girls. And then I ended up finding out my specific TYPE in girls, and realized I don't have one for boys. And then, a few weeks ago, I texted this friend. I don't have a crush on her, but she's got a logical, open mind. She knows I'm bi and squeals of excitement when I talk about girls I'm attracted to. But I texted her and went, "Hey __, what if I'm gay?" but then we tested the whole thing and I realized I'm still attracted to boys. So yeah, I'm bisexual. Basically means I get the best of both worlds. Now when I hear "future husband" come from a girl's lips I think "future WIFE, not husband for me".