
linkin park is my entire universeeee #bennoda


@Kailor_Ninjago LINKIN PARK IS AMAZINGGGGG! I'm going to their concert with my fam later this year! I cannot wait!


Hey guys, I realized I never made a post for 2024 reflection, but now I’m just too tired to make one. So I thought I’d give some life updates. Been living such a great life in Chicago, school’s been great, friends have been great, I love going on walks and bike rides with them. I’m so glad to finally have such an easy life after so many years of hardship and I’m so excited for whatever 2025 brings. I’ll try to get back into writing, but I start 10th grade later this year, and it will get hella busy when that happens, but I’ll try my best anyway!
          Reese <3


@SparkleQueen46 thanks for the support and for being a loyal follower!


Time for a long catchup! I moved to Chicago on Halloween (lol) and I've joined school and made new friends and it's so safe here! My mom even bought me a pretty cyan bike and lets me go out of the house w/ friends if I tell her beforehand and share my location. Though we are both paranoid, I'm leaving my Seattle trauma...in Seattle.
          I recently got an ADHD diagnosis, after opening up to my mom about my suspicions, and I'm so glad I did it because I feel like this was a hidden childhood trauma result, so now I've realized I'm not weird or crazy, just ADHD and trauma has affected me in such a way.
          Now, for a family update (it's been a long time coming now): Ryley is graduating to college in 2 years--wow. Rumi  (yes, I convinced my mom to name her after Harumi) is four years old, she talks now and is going to kindergarten in 2025. Rayne Ruelle (named by @julieannagrace by fan vote), is 2 years and 8 months years old, and I love her to bits. For the OGs, Irina and Irian, my twin cousins, have not used Wattpad in awhile, lol, but Irina's quit Getty Images to do career with Irian, and they've moved out but live in neighboring houses. I'll try to get them back on Wattpad.
          Soon I'll have to think about career prospects. Something creative like writing perhaps? Or something that hits hard, such as helping trauma victims? I owe so much to @SarvaePC for inviting me and Ryley to a psychology group that has since split up but changed our lives. For sure I'm gonna start a Wattpad writing tips book though, purely for you guys cuz I luv y'all sm!!
          Anyways I just love you guys so much and me 2 years ago would not have believed how many followers I have and what a loyal community I’ve built today! It’s funny how my best friends and my community is the one I have here on Wattpad. I love how many reads and how many messages I've been getting asking if I'm okay. What would my life be without all 209 of you?! Love you guys, see you!!! <3 Will be back for 2025 new year announcement!!


@Kailor_Ninjago I'm glad you were able to get help for you ADHD! And I'll be praying for you and your family, I know moving and having to leave all your friends can be really hard.


@Kailor_Ninjago Ohhh that makes so much more sense for the whole R letter names thing and np


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Oh no no no, I still haven’t continued the Lavashippinv fanfic, jeez. I will guys, promise, but you’ll have to wait a month or so because ugh, 9th grade makes you so fucking busy. Will write soon though!


@Kailor_Ninjago Homeschooled still, and I still have barely any time.


@Kailor_Ninjago Real, i'm starting high school too and it's just like what the hell why is there so much work


@Xyrthyza Yeah exactly, I want to write fanfiction and poetry, I want to make edits and make videos and be creative, but school is such a big inconvenience. I had much more time when I was homeschooled!


My earlier announcement got too long for the Wattpad word limit, so here's the rest:
          And you see, after I fully embraced being bisexual, I started liking gay stuff more. Watching lesbian tiktoks to put myself to sleep and feeling my heart racing as I did so. Watching Red, White, and Royal Blue and LOVING it, shipping the main boys before I even knew the movie was queer, getting back into Ninjago and suddenly shipping Kai and Cole after watching the Cube video about it (the 2 hour one), and fantasizing about Kai and Cole a lot, fantasizing about them kissing and hating the Geode ship, to shipping Nya and Skylor and then shipping Polyninja, as in Lava + Greenflame + Plasma + Moss + Greenwisp + Bruise. Damn, it's been a journey.
          Thank you for reading this. If you've read the whole thing, I love you so much for hearing me out! Please accept me guys (I know you will), and please please please comment your thoughts on this! Lavashipping chap 2 will be out...idk when but soon. Bye <3


@Kailor_Ninjago You were right. We do accept you! I hope that you are happy no matter who you are and we will always support you.


@Kailor_Ninjago Obviously we accept you!!! And my thought is just be yourself! Not everyone accepts everyone but who cares? It doesn’t matter! What matters is to just act how you always do! Be yourself!


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I'm coming out of the closet. I'm bisexual. I have known this for a long time actually, and around since 2022 I always wondered if I was bi, because yes I've been attracted to boys but then I started to develop an attraction to girls, I ended up having a huge crush on my friend for two years, and eventually I confessed, and it got to a point where I got down on one knee, kissed her hand and asked her if we could date. She said no. I know that it's avoidant attachment of hers, and mine is an anxious attachment, and as they say, opposites attract. I fucked up the friendship by confessing, and we are still friends but not as close...and now the feelings no longer exist.
          But upon going back to school after six years of being homeschooled, I realized that I was blushing a LOT because of girls, and later realized I was attracted to some girls. And then I ended up finding out my specific TYPE in girls, and realized I don't have one for boys. And then, a few weeks ago, I texted this friend. I don't have a crush on her, but she's got a logical, open mind. She knows I'm bi and squeals of excitement when I talk about girls I'm attracted to. But I texted her and went, "Hey __, what if I'm gay?" but then we tested the whole thing and I realized I'm still attracted to boys. So yeah, I'm bisexual. Basically means I get the best of both worlds. Now when I hear "future husband" come from a girl's lips I think "future WIFE, not husband for me".


@Kailor_Ninjago While I may be a Christian and don't fully agree, of course I understand and completely respect the decision.


            Congrats! Just know that you never have to explain how you feel to anyone! <3


Hey guys, I know a lot of you are waiting for chapter 2 of my new lavashipping fanfic, but me and my family are going on a short trip and I don't want to write on the trip because I'll be rly busy! I'll be back in four days with chapter 2, I promise! Love y'all <3


@Kailor_Ninjago Don’t worry! Enjoy your trip! I hope you have loads of fun! Besides, take your time with the stories! I know it’ll be amazing so it’s worth it! Have a great trip with your family! I’m sending love <333




@Reckless1Wolf Well it’s kind of hard to tell unless you ship it first. Go to YouTube and search “Cube lavashipping video” and watch at least some of the 2-hour one. It explains EVERYTHING and it’s super fun to watch.


@Kailor_Ninjago what on Odin's great beard, i am supa curious on what made u like the ship. Like not at all during the runtime of Ninjago did i feel any hint of Kai x Cole


@Kailor_Ninjago Unfortunately I don't, I hate Lava a lot...
            WDYM DO I SHIP LAVA???!!! HELL YEAH I DO!!! I LOVE LAVA!!!