Heyy! How are you doinggg!! Popped into say hi and check up on you (≧∇≦)ノ Been missing wattpad a lot lately T-T. Genuinely wish I had more time for it.

@Kailucy Aw Sorry to hear. Hope nothing too bad tho. You can always reach out for a talk if you want on discord or smtn =) I'm .... extremely busy ngl T-T In those stages of adulthood where I'm tryna establish myself if ykwim. So yea busy, stressed out, tryna be optimistic and missing the free time i had before .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. On the bright side tho, I finished reading a book completely for the first time since over half a year? \(^o^)/ (Alice Seobold - The Lovely Bones just for reference) I finished it quite quickly and it was amazing and so far a huge accomplishment that I managed to finish reading soemthing this year! X) It's always nice to see you on here toooo!! Genuinely Wattpad should have left the messages feature it's a lot more difficult to connect with people now U_U I hope whatever you're going through gets betterrr! lemme know if you ever wanna talk. ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

@GhostsOfMyPast heyyyy! Could be better honestly. But I’m okay. How are you?? I so understand. It was great to hear from you!!