I was watching a Criminal Minds slide show video on tiktok by a creator that I’ve been following for a while and the video was about what outfit the male characters would pick for you and all i said was that the outfits that Spencer and Derek picked were female versions of their outfits and the one that Will picked out were ones that looked like JJ (his wife) would wear. They responded by saying that if I didn’t like it don’t comment. I replied with “I never said that I didn’t like it. I just noticed how similar the outfits that Will picked out for us looked like JJ’s and the ones the boys picked out looked like the female versions of their outfits. She got mad and deleted by comments and then I went on their page to message them saying that i had not ill intentions with my comment and I saw that she blocked me. I guess you just can’t make observations and comment them. I was really like their content too. Was I in the wrong?