Brother and Sister! We stand on the Dawn of a new era. To fight the enemy that swore to defend our freedom and democracy but also for the republic. Instead they use their position of power to only dog their roots and rotten this nation that our father built by their hand with nothing. We honored them but our government has begun to forget them and their values they lad for us. They start wars in nation to put them in their place and put a chain around our Allies to keep them control and dictate them on who in charge of their country. They send mother sons and daughter to fight in war for only their friend benefit for resources that not even ours too leave that country poor and force them to buy American goods. They talk about cooperation instead they have a knife behind their back. So I ask you Brother and sister. It time for these communists, syndicated, ruthless capitalism corporatism, and other to be put down and take back the helm of the ship and go back on course. Spread the word.