
I'm writing a Harry Potter fanfiction!!!!!! I don't know whether to post the prologue or write the entire book and have a set schedule to update. Which do you prefer? Will you guys read the HP fanfic? 


A younger me!!!!!! Yes! You MUST continue my legacy in middle school since I am going to High school this year! Be a freaking little menace to all students who ridicule your friends and family and be a "perfect little (sassy) angel" to your teachers!!!!! My little me!!!!!


Hey @KaitAndEllie! Thank you for following me, I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy my stories and peculiar statuses - your comments on BCG made my day :) 
          Libby xx


I love the way you write BCG! It's amazing and I seriously finished it in a day and can't wait to read the rest of the series!!!!