I deleted all of my stories, my Rantbooks and my Artbooks. So now, what will happen next? I'm just leaving the community after all. I spent a lot of time here, since my very young age. I took photos of my drawings and I published so much. Why am I leaving after all this time? I just can't answer, it's just that I'm bored here and it's kind of... like I wanna change something. There are so many remembrances here in fact! I will leave my account but he will still be there. I met so many people and I can contact them everywhere and not only on Wattpad. But I know you still there and I am. This app changed me, Watty saw me growing up and growing up, again and again. You all gave me the courage to fly and grow up between my desires and my arts, and I wasn't expected anything on coming here. Without you all, without all of my friends here, I'm nothing. But now, I can fly proudly and high in the sky, by my own wings. Watty is like my parents, it's my family, it's a part of me... And I'm proud of this.❤
See ya friends