
Hey guys. 
          	I know I haven't been active recently, but I hope to be now.  I'm actually thinking about rewriting my very first story on this profile named ,,Sorry, but I have to do it'' (I'll also probably give it a different name. This one's pretty shitty.), from Czech to English. I don't know how long it will take, but I'll keep you informed.  I'll first have it as a concept directly in my notebook, but when I write enough I'll start uploading it here.
          	I guess that's all I really had to say so bye for now.


P.S would you like a Markiplier fanfiction? I have one started, but I'm not sure if I should put it in here. Let me know if you want it.


Hey guys. 
          I know I haven't been active recently, but I hope to be now.  I'm actually thinking about rewriting my very first story on this profile named ,,Sorry, but I have to do it'' (I'll also probably give it a different name. This one's pretty shitty.), from Czech to English. I don't know how long it will take, but I'll keep you informed.  I'll first have it as a concept directly in my notebook, but when I write enough I'll start uploading it here.
          I guess that's all I really had to say so bye for now.


P.S would you like a Markiplier fanfiction? I have one started, but I'm not sure if I should put it in here. Let me know if you want it.


Okay guys, 
          I've got some good news for you! My mind started working again and I have some ideas for my first english story ever! That's great right? Anyway.. I've already made a cover for the story and I'm super excited for it!
          Anyway, that's all I can say rn. You'll see what I have in store for you guys soon. 
          Okay! Buh-Bye!


@_GalliGirlGames_ Good luck for that! Hope you bring it out soon! (≧▽≦)


Hey guys!
           Co by jste řekli na to, že bych se pokusila napsat nějaký příběh v angličtině? 
          Už jsem o tom nějakou dobu přemýšlela a jsem skoro z 80% přesvědčená, že bych to zvládla jelikož miluju angličtinu a jsem v ní dobrá.
          Takže jestli chcete, tak se ozvěte a já ráda vyhovím


Ahoj všichni! Jen jsem chtěla oznámit, že možná brzy vyjde úplně nová knížka! Mám ji už dlouho rozepsanou v sešitu a pořád na ní pracuji, ale myslím, že ty 2 už hotové dlouhé kapitoly by mohly vyjít na světlo ne? 
          Takže se tešte a brzy u nějaké knížky! Ahoj!


Omlouvám se že jsem dlouho nevydala žádnou kapitolu... mám náhradní telefon protože jsem si ho rozbila na waveboardu jelikož mi spadnul při pádu na asfaltku... takže se omlouvám a doufám že o prázdninách budu aktivnější.... tak zatím CIAO....