
Tommorow no chapter, my brain is not working, and i cannot finish
          	Next week for sure!!!!!!!


Hey, i didn't think that i would be posting sth like this so early but i'm so mentally drained thet i'm not phisicly and mentally able to write the next chapter, so I'm sadly skiping tomorrows chapter. I will add it next week, i just don't want to post something worse that the previous chapter. I'll try my best to get better and return with new, better and well written work. Yk if i won't kms before/jk(maybe). 
          So see you in a week hopefully :))


I'm soooo much better. New chapter tommorow DEFINETLY. It's a bit different than the last ones bc i'm still finding out my style of writing. HOPE YOU ENJOY:))


Uhhh I don't want to post a short chapter so yall have to wait a while


Haiiii, I'm doing a lot better, sorry about the dissapearence , but it really helped me. NEW CHAPTER FRIDAY(At least i hope that i can finish it before then)
            Love you all <33
            See you ;))