
Hey peoples! I haven't updated in eons, BUT don't hate me because that's mainly because I've written a novella I'm self-publishing via Kindle in November. If you want to, I'd love for you to add it to your shelf on Goodreads. :) http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18218603-deathdate


Sense you were on today I thought I would stalk you a bit(: haha. I never noticed you like NSN.... But sense you do..I'm afraid that ah... How do I put this... You. Are. Awesomer than I thought!!!! Yupperdoodles that's right your awesome(: okay? Kool! Hope you had a jolly Christmas!! Bybe(:


So um here's the summary of this new story I might start, would any of you read it if I wrote it?
          My name is Acantha.
          I'm a demon. I live in the shadows. I'm technically dead, but I survive.
          I survive by eating human souls.
          Specific human souls. The last ones left with life in them.
          When I am assigned to suck the soul of Daniel Parse, will I fall in love with him, or will I die instead of killing him?
          Find out in the Soul Sucker.